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What is the maintenance method for car seat cushions
From:Network reprint      Publisher:Webmaster      Point:      AddDate:2023/10/15

Faced with the booming market for car cushions, car cushions are attempting to develop towards functional models. According to the actual needs of car seat cushions, seat cushions with functions such as odor prevention, antibacterial, flame retardant, mold and moth resistance, and self-cleaning have emerged. With the increasing configuration of car interiors, coupled with the application of high-end fabrics and fillers with health functions, the Four Seasons Health Mats have also become a new favorite in the market. At the same time, the application of various functional fibers has also opened up product design ideas for manufacturers.

With the improvement of living standards, there are more and more private cars, and various types of car cushions have emerged in the market. Fabric car cushions are one of the most popular cushions among consumers. Below, professional car cushion manufacturers will introduce the maintenance methods of fabric car cushions.

If you are using a fabric seat cover or cushion, dry cleaning and water washing are both acceptable, with the best dry cleaning effect. When washing by hand, use a soft bristle brush dipped in detergent to scrub, flatten and naturally dry in the shade. It is best not to machine wash or dehydrate. When washing, please use low alkali content washing products. Before washing, soak in 30 ° C warm water for 10 minutes.

The above is the knowledge that experts have introduced to you about the maintenance methods of fabric car seat cushions. Our company is a wholesale manufacturer of automotive products that integrates research and development, production, and sales. We specialize in creating high-quality seat cushions with reliable product quality and a wide variety of products. We welcome new and old customers to visit and purchase!

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